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"Complex texts"

Much of the Utah Common Core language revolves around students being able to read and understand “complex texts”. Yet they assumption is...

Factory output writing

When students are product focused, they are often short sided in terms of revision. I find that many of my students think believe that...

Accommodating is just good practice

Because “Universal design (UD) proposes that inclusive design is better design for all (Womac 497). It seems to me that multimodal...

On Demand vs Extended Time Writing

I think it is important also consider the types of writing that we do in our everyday lives. The majority of the writing I do, and what I...

Hot and Cold Mediums - June 27

I’m interested in the relationship that McLuhan points out between the type of medium being used and the level of participation needed to...

June 25 2018

Multimodal projects are projects that combine the various modes (Visual, Aural, Linguistic, Spatial, and Gestural) together in order to...

Wednesday June 20

Before reading the assigned chapters, my initial concerns and questions did not revolve around the validity of thinking about writing...

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